Divorce, even under the best circumstances, can be overwhelming. Although you may feel the urge to swiftly move on with your life and believe that destroying all divorce-related documents is the key to emotional healing, it’s crucial to reconsider shredding this paperwork. Given the complexity of a divorce, it’s essential to understand which documents you should retain. The following blogs explore the paperwork you must hold on to and how a knowledgeable Garden City Divorce Lawyer can help you navigate this legal process. 

What Documents Should I Keep Following a Divorce?

Often, divorced individuals make the mistake of discarding documents related to their divorce as the reminder that their marriage has failed is a tough pill to swallow. However, despite wanting to move on to the next chapter of your life without reminders of your former spouse, it’s crucial to preserve certain legal documents as you may need them in the future.

The most important document you should keep following your divorce is your separation agreement. This legal document will outline the terms that apply to the termination of your marriage, including potential alimony payments, child custody arrangements, child support obligations, etc. If your former spouse fails to adhere to the terms of the agreement, this document can be used to have the court enforce the terms. In addition, you should keep all financial records associated with your divorce. If your circumstances significantly change, you may need to ask the court to modify your existing settlement agreement. Financial statements can be used as evidence to support your request.

Moreover, it’s beneficial to keep your marriage license. This legal document corroborates your marriage. At some point, you may need to prove the duration of your marriage to establish your eligibility to receive certain benefits. For instance, if you have been married for more than ten years, this legal document may help you obtain the Social Security benefits that you are likely entitled to on behalf of your spouse.

How Long Should I Store My Divorce Records?

Generally, it’s in your best interest to retain any and all documents related to your divorce forever. Situations may arise in which you need to produce documentation related to your divorce, and as such, you should keep these documents readily available. For instance, if you want to change your name, you may have to present your divorce decree, which proves the legal end of your marriage. If you wish to go back to your maiden name after your divorce, you will need to provide proof of why you want to change your name. Your divorce decree can provide evidence for your name change.

As you can see, there are numerous reasons why you should hold on to your divorce records. For more information about the divorce process in New York, please don’t hesitate to contact a determined lawyer from the Law Offices of Eyal Talassazan, P.C., who can provide quality legal counsel.